Write a novel in a month? That's crazy talk!
I love novel writing month, or NaNoWriMo as it's otherwise known. At the start of November I didn't know if I was going to partake this year. I'm editing 2 stories right now and it seemed crazy to start a new one from scratch... but I just couldn't help myself.
I love the feeling of NaNoWriMo. The thought that hundreds upon thousands of aspiring authors (or some already published folk) are committing to the same seemingly impossible task of writing a novel in just one month. Twitter comes to life with writing quotes and ramblings from wannabe authors who have lost the plot-- literally. And then we all join together in an attempt to meet our daily word count quota.
It's amazing that to write 50,000 in one month it only takes 1,666 words per day. On November 1st it almost seems too easy, but by the half way point you're either plodding along nicely or find yourself chasing your tail.
Me? I'm 39,000 words in with 10 days to go. I think my new novel is taking shape nicely and will be set for release in mid-2016.
To all the other NaNoWriMo participants out there.
Good luck and keep writing!